Friday, July 11, 2008

Jesse Jackson: Pro-Castration

Have you ever heard that you become the thing on which you fixate? Jesse Jackson is afraid that every white person south of Pennsylvania (and maybe some in Pennsylvania) is a would-be lyncher eager to castrate him. Everything reminds Jackson of the Selma police riot - indeed, to hear him speak one would think that it is still 1968 and Dr. King was just assassinated. Hence, after fixating on these redneck bogeymen, when Jackson wants to vent, he uses a castration comment about Barack Obama. I remember the first time I heard an allusion to race-based castration. Remember "The Dirty Dozen," the top-grossing movie of 1967? Jim Brown played Jefferson, a soldier whose crime included killing or seriously wounding some "crackers" trying to castrate him. Well, we've come full circle now: it's the self-appointed leaders of the Civil Rights Movement that now think about castrating black men. Why does Obama anger Jackson so much?
The answer is simple: Obama is living evidence that African-American people can achieve great feats and attain power. Obama is not beholden to Jesse Jackson for everything he has, and that angers the good reverend. Jackson teaches that the White Man has stopped all achievements by African-Americans and keeps the entire community impoverished to this day. Jackson and his ilk have been saying since the riots of 1968 that all violence in the Black community is caused by poverty, unemployment, and lack of funding for government programs.
By calling on African-American men to take some measure of personal responsibility for their own children, Obama undermined Jackson's constant refrain: "ALL of the problems of the Black community are the White Man's fault." Read anything Jackson has ever written on the subject and it invariably leads to that conclusion: blame Whitey first. Jackson's movement leads to the dead end of poverty and dependence on big government and his is bitterly resentful of any black man who refuses to follow him there.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Death of Separation of Powers

OK, it's official: in America, we no longer enjoy the protections of the Separation of Powers. On this day, June 12, 2008, five justices on the Supreme Court declared that they have absolute authority to nullify any and everything that President Bush and Congress may do regarding the War on Terror. The Constitution specifies that the Commander in Chief prosecutes war with the consent of Congress. President Bush has obtained the consent of Congress for his military tribunals pertaining to the Guantanamo detainees twice. Each time, the Supreme Court has stricken the law as "Un-Constitutional" even though the Constitution does not give the Judicial branch any authority over making war. The first time, the Supreme Court ruled as it did because Congress had not passed the law covering detainees until after their capture. Today, they struck down the new law without even a hint of justification.
John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, David Souter and Anthony Kennedy are going to cost the lives of American servicemen. This ruling that terrorists have access to American courts, just as though they were common criminals, will attract ACLU lawyers like flies on a manure pile. Terrorists will get released and make their way back to the battlefield. Other detainees will be released from "lack of evidence" (as though the laws of evidence apply to POWs on the battlefield) and will similarly live to fight another day. Those five justices are tyrants without an army. They are accessories in the future murders of American servicemen. The people rejoice when tyrants are overthrown and soldiers take heart when the likes of Tokyo Rose are silenced. I look forward to news of the retirement or death of these five justices. God have mercy on all of us.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Who has forgotten Till and Evers?

Do you remember the names Emmett Till and Medgar Evers? If so, chances are you are an American who dreams of racial equality and healing, of a colorblind society where people judge one another only on content of character. Emmett Till was a 14-year-old boy from Chicago who made the mistake of calling a white girl "baby" in a Mississippi town where he was visiting relatives in 1955. A small party of white men took him forcibly from his uncle's house and murdered him. The murderers struck suddenly and remorselessly and their victim did not deserve death. It was a lynching.
Medgar Evers was an activist for integration in Mississippi who agitated in favor of James Meredith gaining entrance to the University of Mississippi in 1962. A white supremacist named Byron de la Beckwith murdered him in 1963. A veteran of World War II who fought at Normandy, Evers rated a grave in Arlington Cemetery. I saw several pebbles on Evers' grave last August, left there by visitors who paid him tribute. His death was sudden, violent and undeserved. It was a lynching.
More recently, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright shouted "God Damn America" from his pulpit, expressed satisfaction that Al Qaeda terrorists had successfully attacked the United States on September 11, 2001, and spread the crackpot story that the United States government developed AIDS as a tool of genocide against black people. Subsequently, his congregants found his body hanging from a tree and a cross smoldering nearby.
Oh, that's not what happened? It must be, because his successor at the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ said he was the victim of a lynching on Easter Sunday. He died an innocent sacrifice, just like Jesus did. Link here:
In this year's presidential race, we have discovered that one of our candidates has been listening to a preacher proclaim black nationalism from the pulpit for 20 years. Jeremiah Wright subscribes to black liberation theology, which champions hating white people for slavery, segregation, lynchings, and multiple programs of discrimination from the past. Americans like me, who were born decades after the fall of the last de Jure segregation legislation tend to wonder what crimes we could have committed and how long it will take before some of the self-appointed leaders of the black community realize that the war for equal opportunity is over and they won.
Who has fogotten Emmett Till and Medgar Evers? Who has forgotten what a real lynching is? Who has changed the focus of the Civil Rights movement from social equality and judicial justice to revenge for past wrongs? When white people have failed to commit enough crimes, who has accused them of things they did not do, such as inventing AIDS? Who can be saved who worships a god that hates white people?
Rest in peace, Till and Evers.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

On Saddam's (D, Hades) payroll

Remember in late 2002, when Congressmen Jim McDermott (D, WA), David Bonior (D, MI) and Mike Thompson (D, CA) went to Iraq to get photo ops with Iraqi children and denounce the Bush administration? At the time, they sounded as though they were on Saddam's payroll, as they impugned President Bush's integrity and voiced strong skepticism against the approaching campaign. As it turns out, they were indeed on Saddam's payroll, as the AP reports. A story here:
shows that a non-profit organization in Michigan financed the trip with money it had laundered from Saddam himself. McDermott's spokesmen are claiming that they knew nothing about Saddam's involvement, but the situation begs several questions.
If they didn't know the source, where did they think the money came from? Did they think a lobbyist would pay for them to go to Iraq? McDermott admits that his entire purpose was to showcase the children who would be hurt by the invasion. He is not stupid - he had to know at the very least that Saddam could not have designed a better propaganda tool than three American Congressmen denouncing their own government on Iraqi soil surrounded by children. It doesn't matter whether McDermott knew Saddam had actually paid money - he fought part of Saddam's propaganda war for him. The argument amounts to, "I have no self-interest in this matter; we American useful idiots do the bidding of mass-murdering dictators free of charge."
What did Bonior know? Bonior was the Michigan native; he would be most likely to know something about the organization giving them money. I anticipate updates on this story.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Obama Denounces His Own Pastor

I am sure Barack Obama is the only presidential candidate in history to denounce the messages of his own pastor and simultaneously deny having heard the sermons in question. In 20 years of membership at the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, he has never heard Jeremiah Wright say that the U.S. developed AIDS to create genocide in Africa, that there are more black men in jail than in college, that the U.S. government carried out the 9/11 attacks, etc.? Even Wright's defenders all affirm that "social justice" is one of his main topics. "Social Justice" is usually synonymous with "black nationalism." If his claims of naivete are correct, Obama has certainly slept through a lot of sermons. This is Al Gore's Ice Tea Defense all over again. As of yesterday, Obama must have been one of the only people in America who had missed the publicity of Wright saying, "God damn America."
This situation resembles that of a work associate of my Dad a few years ago who faced discipline for visiting a pornographic website on a company computer. The man claimed that he left the site immediately upon realizing that it was pornographic, but his claims were hard to believe because he stayed at the site for 45 minutes before leaving. Twenty years is a little longer than 45 minutes. Some would call Obama's 20-year membership, his marriage ceremony at that church and his decision to have his daughters baptized there as something of an endorsement of the church.
Here is the heart of the matter: Jeremiah Wright is Obama's pastor of 20 years, his personal spiritual adviser, and he has just left his pulpit to work full time for the Obama Campaign. If Barack Obama will throw THIS man under the bus, who is next? Is he going to divorce Michelle for saying that she only just started being a proud American? This junior senator from Illinois is a very power-hungry young man.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

It's "1984" in Canada

In true Orwellian fashion, the group currently in charge of censoring all potentially offensive speech, press and website material is the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC). Currently, author and columnist Mark Steyn is facing a suit resulting from his book America Alone. He quotes an Imam verbatim and some Canadian Muslims have taken offense. The Imam says that the Muslims will take over Europe through the miracle of being fruitful and multiplying, which supports Steyn's thesis and is true. In simple point of fact, Europe is today a continent of yuppies who have at most one child and rely on Muslim immigrants for much of their population growth. Steyn's latest column on the CHRC and its attacks on free press is here:
In the column, he observes that one single man, Richard Warman, has brought a significant number of lawsuits that the CHRC has prosecuted at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. Warman scours the internet to find racist or possibly racist groups that might possibly offend someone and he sues on behalf of the someones. At the CHRC's own website, there are three suits chronicled that Warman brought against websites for the crime of violating others' "human rights" by expressing sentiments that he judges hateful. In Canada, people do not have the rights of free speech and free press because Mr. Warman is combing through every website he can lay eyes on to curb said rights.
Obviously, if those hateful groups commit any DEEDs that violate laws, they should face prosecution. the same people who keep telling Christians "you can't legislate morality" are censoring speech. If the groups practice discrimination in hiring, libelous defamation of specific parties, or some other civil offenses, the offended parties should be allowed to bring suit. Warman is not an offended party - he is a busy-body agent of the CHRC who is determined to bankrupt those who disagree with him.
In America, we have free speech and free press. No government agency sued or shut down the publishers of two books that discussed assassinating President Bush. The government made no complaint when some left-wingers made a movie titled "Death of a President" that actually shows President Bush getting shot through the advances of digital technology. No government entity of any kind took any action against the Dixie Chicks when they criticized President Bush. Rather, their fans stopped buying their music and now they imagine that they were stifled.
Maybe it is because we fought a Revolution and the Canadians did not that we preserve rights that they are selling cheeply.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

A Bomb on Armed Forces Recruiters in NY

Terrorists set off a bomb at the Armed Forces Recruiting Site at Times Square this morning at 3:45 AM. Obviously, it is a domestic job from the anti-war faction of the Democrat Party, feeling a little upstaged by the display ELF made earlier in the week. The Homeland Security Department has already declared that the bombers pose no imminent threat to the United States. By blowing up an empty building, these ingrates sent an anti-military message, but salved their own consciences by not shedding any blood. Foreign or Islamist terrorists would have blown up the place while it was occupied.
Count me as one veteran who wishes they had set off the bomb by accident.