Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Who has forgotten Till and Evers?

Do you remember the names Emmett Till and Medgar Evers? If so, chances are you are an American who dreams of racial equality and healing, of a colorblind society where people judge one another only on content of character. Emmett Till was a 14-year-old boy from Chicago who made the mistake of calling a white girl "baby" in a Mississippi town where he was visiting relatives in 1955. A small party of white men took him forcibly from his uncle's house and murdered him. The murderers struck suddenly and remorselessly and their victim did not deserve death. It was a lynching.
Medgar Evers was an activist for integration in Mississippi who agitated in favor of James Meredith gaining entrance to the University of Mississippi in 1962. A white supremacist named Byron de la Beckwith murdered him in 1963. A veteran of World War II who fought at Normandy, Evers rated a grave in Arlington Cemetery. I saw several pebbles on Evers' grave last August, left there by visitors who paid him tribute. His death was sudden, violent and undeserved. It was a lynching.
More recently, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright shouted "God Damn America" from his pulpit, expressed satisfaction that Al Qaeda terrorists had successfully attacked the United States on September 11, 2001, and spread the crackpot story that the United States government developed AIDS as a tool of genocide against black people. Subsequently, his congregants found his body hanging from a tree and a cross smoldering nearby.
Oh, that's not what happened? It must be, because his successor at the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ said he was the victim of a lynching on Easter Sunday. He died an innocent sacrifice, just like Jesus did. Link here:
In this year's presidential race, we have discovered that one of our candidates has been listening to a preacher proclaim black nationalism from the pulpit for 20 years. Jeremiah Wright subscribes to black liberation theology, which champions hating white people for slavery, segregation, lynchings, and multiple programs of discrimination from the past. Americans like me, who were born decades after the fall of the last de Jure segregation legislation tend to wonder what crimes we could have committed and how long it will take before some of the self-appointed leaders of the black community realize that the war for equal opportunity is over and they won.
Who has fogotten Emmett Till and Medgar Evers? Who has forgotten what a real lynching is? Who has changed the focus of the Civil Rights movement from social equality and judicial justice to revenge for past wrongs? When white people have failed to commit enough crimes, who has accused them of things they did not do, such as inventing AIDS? Who can be saved who worships a god that hates white people?
Rest in peace, Till and Evers.