Friday, July 11, 2008

Jesse Jackson: Pro-Castration

Have you ever heard that you become the thing on which you fixate? Jesse Jackson is afraid that every white person south of Pennsylvania (and maybe some in Pennsylvania) is a would-be lyncher eager to castrate him. Everything reminds Jackson of the Selma police riot - indeed, to hear him speak one would think that it is still 1968 and Dr. King was just assassinated. Hence, after fixating on these redneck bogeymen, when Jackson wants to vent, he uses a castration comment about Barack Obama. I remember the first time I heard an allusion to race-based castration. Remember "The Dirty Dozen," the top-grossing movie of 1967? Jim Brown played Jefferson, a soldier whose crime included killing or seriously wounding some "crackers" trying to castrate him. Well, we've come full circle now: it's the self-appointed leaders of the Civil Rights Movement that now think about castrating black men. Why does Obama anger Jackson so much?
The answer is simple: Obama is living evidence that African-American people can achieve great feats and attain power. Obama is not beholden to Jesse Jackson for everything he has, and that angers the good reverend. Jackson teaches that the White Man has stopped all achievements by African-Americans and keeps the entire community impoverished to this day. Jackson and his ilk have been saying since the riots of 1968 that all violence in the Black community is caused by poverty, unemployment, and lack of funding for government programs.
By calling on African-American men to take some measure of personal responsibility for their own children, Obama undermined Jackson's constant refrain: "ALL of the problems of the Black community are the White Man's fault." Read anything Jackson has ever written on the subject and it invariably leads to that conclusion: blame Whitey first. Jackson's movement leads to the dead end of poverty and dependence on big government and his is bitterly resentful of any black man who refuses to follow him there.