Friday, January 19, 2007

Al Qaeda Down III

As President Bush has always made clear, the War on Terror is a global one to be fought on many fronts against all terrorist enemies who mean us harm. Any organization linked to Al Qaeda will find itself in American crosshairs or under fire from our allies. Abu Sayyaff, the Filipino terrorist group allied to Al Qaeda, has taken some lumps this past week. On Wednesday, they netted one of the biggest fish available. Abu Sulaiman, a militant wanted by the United States for kidnapping a number of tourists and beheading American citizen Guillermo Sobero, met his end fighting Filipino Special Forces troops 60 miles south of Manila. Last Saturday, Filipino forces also killed Judnam Jamalul, an Abu Sayyaff terrorist wanted for other attacks on American tourists. The last seven days have yielded seventeen Abu Sayyaff scalps. Hua.
Currently, there are four fronts where the fighting in this war is hot on a daily basis: Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and the Philipines. Tellingly, American lives are only at risk on the former two fronts. Our troops in Djibouti are training the Ethiopian Army to fight the Somali terrorists, which they have been doing effectively, and our Special Forces operators in the Philippines have enabled the armed forces there to gain the upper hand on Abu Sayyaff. Who says America has no allies? Whoever says that is lying. The truth is, we are unpopular in the increasingly impotent Western Europe, while Eastern Europe - Poland and Ukraine for example - supplies us in the Middle East with troops. In the Pacific, the Philippines, Japan, and Australia provide us key strategic allies. In view of these recent developments in the Philippines and Somalia, coupled with our freedom from terrorist attacks for five years, President Bush will etch his place in history as a successful fighter against terrorists worldwide.


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