Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Strike in Somalia

A raid in Somalia by an American AC-130 gunship (one of the deadliest air-to-surface weapons in existence) attempted to kill the Al Qaeda leader Fazul Abdullah Mohammed. Although he was not killed, other Al Qaeda operatives likely were. Fazul Abdullah Mohammed occupies the FBI's Most Wanted List as the chief suspect for the mid-1990s bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. (Remember those terrorist bombings that President Clinton ignored?) The U. S. Air Force conducted this raid in Somalia with the full cooperation and permission of Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi, which is a positive sign in at least three areas.
First, it is good to know that President Bush has maintained his resolve to kill Al Qaeda leaders wherever they may hide on the face of the earth. Understanding Al Qaeda to be international enemy #1, he saw no reason to delay this attack for the sake of another game of asking the UN for permission and being told to grab his ankles. Second, it is extremely encouraging that a Muslim such as Mr. Gedi would allow Americans to conduct these strikes in his country. Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan is often much more critical of American activities. Third, it is clear that President Bush has avoided the pitfalls of politically correct warfare that hamstrung Bill Clinton's campaign in Somalia. The AC-130 was the specific gunship that General Garrison requested for his Mogadishu operation in 1993. President Clinton denied his request, explaining that, like armored vehicles, the AC-130 would, "send the wrong message" to the Somalis. The Somalis, of course, only interpreted a message of weakness when American forces went into battle unable to clear streets from the air.
The only message that the U.S. military ever needs to communicate to other nations is this: You can make no better friend - you can pick no worse enemy. Hua.
On the grand scale, Somalia is slipping out of the grasp of the Islamists who shelter Al Qaeda operatives. The United States Armed Forces have trained the Ethiopian Army, which has recently driven the Islamists out of Mogadishu and the other major cities of Somalia. Not only have our advisers prevented Al Qaeda from establishing another safe haven, but they have done so without the loss of American lives. Our next president will be hard-pressed to prosecute this Global War on Terror as effectively as has President Bush. W clearly grasps the concept of a global front involving the sea and the air as well as land. Read Shadow War by Richard Miniter for details.


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