Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Veterans to be Forgotten in New Jersey

The New Jersey legislature has passed a bill unanimously that will remove the requirement that schools teach about Veterans Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Commodore John Barry Day. Commodore Barry was a Revolutionary War naval hero. All of our servicemembers have volunteered to do their duty to protect Americans from the enemies that would attempt to kill us. Veterans have by definition taken one more step and gone into harm's way, possibly risking their lives and enduring the trials of family separation. In return, veterans do not ask anything more than recognition three times a year on Memorial Day, the 4th of July and Veterans Day, and the honor of having their coffins draped with the flag for which they have served, fought and in many cases, died.
This action by the New Jersey legislature reflects the liberal worldview built on white guilt. Under this interpretation of history, white people, especially Americans, have caused all of the hardships of the last several centuries and abused all other racial groups. Columbus Day and Thanksgiving honor some of the earliest pioneers who began the process by which this land became the United States of America. To our friends on the Left, these were two of the saddest days in history. By withdrawing official recognition from two days honoring veterans, the liberals who govern New Jersey are setting the stage for teaching their kids that war is never necessary and all soldiers are either blood-thirsty war-mongers or the stupid dupes of an exploitive government.
We know that veterans by and large are patriots worthy of honor and respect - that they serve at the call of our government and that the overwhelming majority of them have done so honorably. No one loves peace more than a soldier, but he has offered his services to the country at her hour of greatest need. Commodore John Barry, father of the American Navy, who captured twenty British prizes, taking some time off to fight on land in the battles of Trenton and Princeton, can now testify with many heroes that all glory is fleeting.


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