Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cho Seung-Hui Murders 32 at Virginia Tech

For the record, the Virginia Tech murderer's name was Cho Seung-Hui, a South Korean resident alien who took the lives of two students in the dormitory West Ambler Johnston Hall, prompting a 911 call to the police at 7:15. While the police began their investigation at the dormitory, Cho proceeded at some point to Norris Hall, a classroom building, and chained the front door shut, opening fire there over two hours later. A 911 phone call to police at 9:45 alerted them to his rampage in the classroom building, where he took 30 lives, and after breaking the doors down, the police found him dead with his victims at 9:55. As of now, ballistics tests have matched the 9mm handgun he carried to the shootings in both buildings. Cho Seung-Hui also carried a .22 caliber pistol, but it is not certain now whether he used it.
Now that we know the basic details, which will get updated when the victims have all been identified, we should keep our terminology straight: the VT incident is a crime, not a tragedy. Tragedy implies a mishap without a perpetrator, such as a storm. The death toll of this crime is 32, not 33 - good riddance to the murderer whose life justice would demand anyway. The killer in this situation is sin, not weapons. The evil in men's hearts will find fruition in actions by whatever means they can obtain. We must pray for the families of the victims, that God will provide them comfort and that they will seek Him in this very difficult time of grief.


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