Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Victory for Civil Discourse! Rosie is Gone!

Last week, I caught the end of Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, when he gives his mini-state-of-the-union address. At that time, Don Imus was the big news, so his firing represented a victory for civility in pubic discourse, Mr. Gumbel informed all of his thoughtful listeners. Now, the biggest reward we could imagine: a victory not only for civility but for sanity. The woman who recently accused the British/American military of staging the capture of fifteen British sailors, (She thinks the two armed forces are one and the same, that George W. Bush and Tony Blair are Siamese Twins, and that Karl Rove breathed fire to bring down the World Trade Center buildings, etc.)...excuse me, I just drifted off out of the sane America for a second. Anyway, Rosie O'Donnell has at last received her pink slip as co-host on The View. Her rounds of insult-sparring with Donald Trump has left the old man with the last laugh. She has been fired multiple times, which is par for the course in broadcasting, has now lost her place on two shows, and the man with the wave-kopf (a little German lingo there) is the last one standing. As you might recall, their exchange of insults began when Rosie said that Trump had gone bankrupt. That was a lie, certifiably, and he has spoken of a slander suit. Talk radio hosts everywhere are bemoaning this sad turn of events because they will have so much trouble getting funny material hereafter. She spoiled them rotten on a daily basis. Oh well, condolences to them and cheers for all of us. May she find the anonymity she has so long deserved.


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