Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Bush Vetoes Pull-Out Pork Bill

President Bush found his veto pen for only the second time and used it to strike down a bill that would set a date certain for pulling our troops out of Iraq. In so doing (sarcastic tone starts here) he ended the long tradition of American Commanders in Chief of setting dates for ending military action. We all remember General Washington and President Hancock agreeing that the colonies would fight against the British until July 4, 1782, whether or not the British had left the continent, because six years was long enough to fight that war. Who can forget General Grant and President Lincoln deciding that April 12, 1865, would be the last day that U.S. troops would be on Southern soil? It is a good thing that in each case our troops won the war before these dates, isn't it?!! Obviously, no successful war in history has included this sort of pre-emptive surrender.
The bill, as you probably know, was an emergency funding bill for the troops in Iraq that the Democrats in the House of Representatives saddled with extra pork spending and a time table for withdrawal from Iraq. It passed very narrowly (without the vote of my Representative, who is a Democrat) and stands no chance of surviving this veto. The radical base is placated now, so every Democrat must wonder, "What will they ask me to do next?"
Lieutenant Colonel (R) Buzz Patterson has coined the term Dhimmicrats for our friends on the Left who oppose the current campaign against Jihadists. Dhimmis are people of minority religions who live in Muslim countries under second-class citizenship status, paying the Jizya tax on non-Muslims. That may be the most useful descriptive term to come down the pike in a long time. They are on the road to dhimmitude, but hopefully the adults can keep them from taking this country with them.


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