Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Pelosi Targets Intelligence Funding

If you have been wondering why the Left has been so obsessed lately over global warming, we officially got our answer today. Speaker Pelosi is pushing legislation that will require intelligence agencies to monitor the climate. Make no mistake: the Democrats have been stirring up this global warming hysteria because they are against the war in Iraq. Republicans have a message, mentioned by Rudy Guiliani last week, that amounts to, "we face a deadly threat, in Islamo-fascist terrorism, and only our party is addressing it." Understanding that they lose credibility with voters when they act as though that there is no terrorism threat, the Democrats had to come up with a life-threatening situation that only their party could handle. Enter global warming, the love affair with "An Inconvenient Truth" etc. Note that Gore's book Earth in the Balance did not win a Pulitzer Prize or anything of that sort. The Democrats did not feel that they needed Gore then, but now they do, hence two Oscars for his movie.
Today, they declare that global warming is a bigger threat to the world than all of the weapons in the world, including nuclear weapons, so they can return some of the salvos that the Republicans sent over, accusing them of dereliction of duty. Now, Pelosi takes the next logical step in the process of replacing the War on Terror with the War on CO2 by attempting to siphon off funds from intelligence organizations to monitor global climate conditions. She even insults our intelligence by saying that these appropriations will not divert any funds from the intelligence work necessary to fight terrorists. The 2008 campaign will be a clear choice, as we have the war of the wars: fight Islamo-fascist terrorism or fight carbon emissions. Abstain from over-reacting on global warming or abstain from fighting terrorists. Every time our policemen unmask another plot, as they did in New Jersey today, Republicans are proven right again.


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