Friday, October 19, 2007

Jena Six Update - More Stardom

Remember sixteen years ago when the MTV Music Awards invited Officer Koons and Officer Powell, who were about to be tried for beating Rodney King to present an award as representatives of law and order? Neither do I because it didn't happen. On Thursday night, however, Carwin Jones and Bryant Purvis accepted an invitation from Black Entertainment Television to present the Video of the Year Award for the Hip Hop Awards broadcast. The story is here:
"By no means are we condoning a six-on-one beat-down," Katt Williams, the award show host said during his introduction of the teens, one of whom is still facing attempted murder charges in connection with the attack on white student Justin Barker. "... But the injustice perpetrated on these young men is straight criminal." It is criminal to prosecute six young men for beating a fellow student.
What are these African-American kids learning? Fame, accolades, martyrdom status, and a stage from which they may revel in their imagined victimhood awaits if they only beat up a white male student and stomp on him after he has passed out unconscious. I guess Michael Vick and O. J. Simpson weren't available.


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