Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Manning Show

This Super Bowl championship is the perfect antidote to what some sports commentators called "the year of the asterisk." The NFL had a close brush with an asterisk champion, but the Giants have spared us all of that. A few days ago, Spygate expanded to include Super Bowl XXXVI. Bellichick may have videotaped the Rams' practice on the day before the game. I don't know if he did, but I find the allegation believable in the extreme. The man is the ultimate "win-at-any-cost; nice-guys-finish-last; it-ain't-cheatin'-unless-you-get-caught;" school of thought. Add to him quarterback Tom Brady, the conspicuous consumption type, who dates supermodels and deserted his girlfriend after impregnating her. Fans who think themselves decent sportsmen have to despise the 2007 Patriots in the same league with Tark the Shark and Jimmy Johnson's Miami Hurricanes. Chalk it up: THE GOLIATHS DO FALL SOMETIMES!!! Tarkanian's Running Rebels fell in the Final Four to Krzewski's Duke Blue Devils in 1991 and Stallings' Tide rolled over the 1992 Hurricanes. HUA!! was offering a "Dewey Defeats Truman" book titled 19-0. The link to it is here:
After this victory, the Giants have changed the whole commentary narrative. We were asking, "Are these Patriots the best ever, having won a 4th Super Bowl and gone undefeated?" Now we can cheer the greatest upset in NFL history and revel with a decent kid who has now escaped the shadow of his brother. The talk next year will be, "Can a Manning win the Super Bowl to make it 3 in a row?" Everyone who loves the Mannings has to be on Cloud 9 now. Enjoy this moment. It doesn't happen often.


Blogger blindsay said...

Next year it should be a Manning Manning Superbowl, Colts vs. Giants! This would guarantee another Manning win.

1:51 PM  
Blogger Bountyhawk said...

One can only dream...
Erin informs me that the Mannings are two of the most dashing athletes in sports.

11:42 AM  

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