Saturday, March 08, 2008

It's "1984" in Canada

In true Orwellian fashion, the group currently in charge of censoring all potentially offensive speech, press and website material is the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC). Currently, author and columnist Mark Steyn is facing a suit resulting from his book America Alone. He quotes an Imam verbatim and some Canadian Muslims have taken offense. The Imam says that the Muslims will take over Europe through the miracle of being fruitful and multiplying, which supports Steyn's thesis and is true. In simple point of fact, Europe is today a continent of yuppies who have at most one child and rely on Muslim immigrants for much of their population growth. Steyn's latest column on the CHRC and its attacks on free press is here:
In the column, he observes that one single man, Richard Warman, has brought a significant number of lawsuits that the CHRC has prosecuted at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. Warman scours the internet to find racist or possibly racist groups that might possibly offend someone and he sues on behalf of the someones. At the CHRC's own website, there are three suits chronicled that Warman brought against websites for the crime of violating others' "human rights" by expressing sentiments that he judges hateful. In Canada, people do not have the rights of free speech and free press because Mr. Warman is combing through every website he can lay eyes on to curb said rights.
Obviously, if those hateful groups commit any DEEDs that violate laws, they should face prosecution. the same people who keep telling Christians "you can't legislate morality" are censoring speech. If the groups practice discrimination in hiring, libelous defamation of specific parties, or some other civil offenses, the offended parties should be allowed to bring suit. Warman is not an offended party - he is a busy-body agent of the CHRC who is determined to bankrupt those who disagree with him.
In America, we have free speech and free press. No government agency sued or shut down the publishers of two books that discussed assassinating President Bush. The government made no complaint when some left-wingers made a movie titled "Death of a President" that actually shows President Bush getting shot through the advances of digital technology. No government entity of any kind took any action against the Dixie Chicks when they criticized President Bush. Rather, their fans stopped buying their music and now they imagine that they were stifled.
Maybe it is because we fought a Revolution and the Canadians did not that we preserve rights that they are selling cheeply.


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