Friday, March 14, 2008

Obama Denounces His Own Pastor

I am sure Barack Obama is the only presidential candidate in history to denounce the messages of his own pastor and simultaneously deny having heard the sermons in question. In 20 years of membership at the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, he has never heard Jeremiah Wright say that the U.S. developed AIDS to create genocide in Africa, that there are more black men in jail than in college, that the U.S. government carried out the 9/11 attacks, etc.? Even Wright's defenders all affirm that "social justice" is one of his main topics. "Social Justice" is usually synonymous with "black nationalism." If his claims of naivete are correct, Obama has certainly slept through a lot of sermons. This is Al Gore's Ice Tea Defense all over again. As of yesterday, Obama must have been one of the only people in America who had missed the publicity of Wright saying, "God damn America."
This situation resembles that of a work associate of my Dad a few years ago who faced discipline for visiting a pornographic website on a company computer. The man claimed that he left the site immediately upon realizing that it was pornographic, but his claims were hard to believe because he stayed at the site for 45 minutes before leaving. Twenty years is a little longer than 45 minutes. Some would call Obama's 20-year membership, his marriage ceremony at that church and his decision to have his daughters baptized there as something of an endorsement of the church.
Here is the heart of the matter: Jeremiah Wright is Obama's pastor of 20 years, his personal spiritual adviser, and he has just left his pulpit to work full time for the Obama Campaign. If Barack Obama will throw THIS man under the bus, who is next? Is he going to divorce Michelle for saying that she only just started being a proud American? This junior senator from Illinois is a very power-hungry young man.


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