Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bleeding Hearts

Dear friends,
I think the term "Bleeding Heart Liberals" is slightly missplaced. They talk so much more about their bleeding hearts than do other people, that some observers imagine that liberals have a patent on the practice. Conservative hearts bleed also, but for different reasons. Here is a test, by which you may easily distinguish which way your heart bleeds.
In 1988, a liberal governor boasted about his prisoner weekend parole system that had allowed a first-degree murderer to get out of jail and rape a woman. Did your heart bleed for her and her fiance, whom the perpetrator had beaten up, or for the convicted murderer, who was allegedly a victim of racism?
Earlier this year, a child molester was convicted of nine years of molestation of a little boy. Does your heart bleed for the boy or for the molester, who was short of stature and might get abused in prison? (The judge gave him probation.)
When a girl gets pregnant in unwanted circumstances, does your heart bleed for her over the economic burden that a child can be, or for her baby, who depends on her for its life?
On 9/11/2001, Islamo-fascist terrorists murdered nearly 3,000 Americans. Now, we have Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, mastermind of 9/11, behind bars at Gitmo. Does your heart bleed for the victims of 9/11 and their families, or for him because he might have to face military justice?
This development of McCain and Graham, Warner and Powell opposing military tribunals for the Gitmo terrorists is an utter outrage. I hope you are not surprised that a man who was tortured by the Communists of North Vietnam can now fail to differentiate between his condition and that of the terrorists of Gitmo. Media approval is these men's twenty sheckels and a shirt. I'm personally going to write Mr. McCain, that shameless media whore, (pardon my language, but if it sells out like a prostitute...) and let him know that he has lost my vote for president permanently.


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