Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Popejoy and the Speaker

Private Popejoy was a soldier who literally shot himself in the foot while performing the arduous combat task of climbing off of a HUMMV. As his Executive Officer, I was awakened at 2:00 in the morning to attend the momentous event of helping carry his stretcher as we loaded him onto an ambulance and sent him off by chopper out of our base in Scania, Iraq.
Speaker Pelosi and he share a number of things in common, as she has now committed another gaffe that in tennis would be called an unforced error. If Republicans could have enumerated their dream scenario of her first four months as Speaker, I am not sure they could have improved on her present performance. After losing her first battle, the internal squabble over her Murtha-for-Majority-Leader stance, she passed a few insignificant bills and announced victory in the First Hundred Hours. In the supplemental bill for the troops, Pelosi put every Democrat in the House except two on the record voting to attach strings to funding for the troops in Iraq. Even President Bush found his voice for fighting words, which he has almost never managed to do on domestic issues, and threatened to discover that he has veto power. That vote will haunt dozens, especially the so-called Blue Dogs, who might better be termed Blue Gelded Dogs because I have never seen them break ranks at voting time.
Now, she has acted on her Messiah complex - the same impulse that led her to ask the Air Force for her own private 757 - and appointed herself Secretary of State of Israel. While in Syria recently, she announced that the Israelis had sent her to deliver a message: Israel is ready to negotiate peace and the road to peace in the Middle East leads to Damascus. Of course Ehud Olmert immediately contradicted her because what she said was not true. Of course it was not true - Israel would never use a foreign legislative leader as a diplomat; the very idea is absurd - but don't you see that it should have been true. Can't these people understand that Nancy Pelosi wanted it to be true?!! She wants peace in the world so badly!! I am not being sarcastic when I observe that clearly our Speaker has taken to heart and tried to apply the words of the song:
Let there be peace on Earth
And let it begin with me
Children sing that song at kindergarten graduation to express their desire that the future of the entire world will be better than the past because they will be peaceful. Unfortunately, Speaker Pelosi still believes the trite, simplistic, naive message of this song. She believes that her mere appearance on the soil of foreign lands should bring about instant and perfect peace because she is so good, tolerant, understanding and compassionate. She said the gavel would be in the hands of the children, so should it surprise us that she is now acting like one? We have yet another reminder of why we need adults running our government.


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