Monday, March 05, 2007

Ire from both sides

Everyone by now has weighed in to criticize Ann Coulter for characterizing John Edwards with the other "F" word. I found the headline interesting, however, "Coulter draws criticism from both sides of the aisle." Every time you see a headline like that one, it tells you two things: 1) the object of wrath has committed a politically incorrect act and 2) the offender is a Republican. Isn't it interesting that only Republicans get criticized from both sides? Republicans express offense when anyone says something offensive; Democrats are offended only if Republicans say an ill-advised word.
A quick google search for "William Jefferson Criticism" turns up two headlines that both use the phrase "GOP criticizes Jefferson..." What? No outrage from the party that was hot to trot to rid Congress of the Culture of Corruption? Jefferson had $90,000 in bribe money in his freezer. Not only that, but in 2006 his seat was so safe that the next two finishers after him were also Democrats (in Louisiana, they do not have primaries). Nancy Pelosi is getting Jefferson placed on the Homeland Security committee now so that he can have access to classified documents. Can we identify the next Sandy Burglar? Why defend a man who is obviously guilty of a crime when his seat is completely safe?
The first reason is that Jefferson is black and the descendant of slaves. All of the Democrats feel the guilt of several generations on their shoulders when they look at him. Under the doctrine of Social Justice, no black man will ever truly be guilty of any crime until poverty has departed forever from the black community. The second reason they defend him is that Democrats never criticize one of their own, admit to any wrongdoing, or concede any point to their political opponents, whom they style enemies. They only oppose corruption when Republicans have red hands, and then they only oppose the Republicans who are corrupt. They couldn't lose Jefferson's seat if they tried, but more importanty to them, they will not suffer the indignity of seeing a Democrat forced out of office.


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