Sunday, December 17, 2006

Operation Square Garden

Well, we had a civil war break out for about five minutes last night in New York. The extreme poverty in which our urban young men are forced to live has prompted another brawl. These poor inner-city boys face such a struggle for survival, which none of us can understand. They are victims of the unforgiving society that devalues and disrespects them. Of course, this script may not work particularly well when it concerns millionaires playing in the NBA, but we all know from drive-be media coverage that violence comes from poverty. These players must have delusions of poverty.
Here is the play-by-play: Mardy Collins of the Knicks threw a flagrant foul on J.R. Smith of the Denver Nuggets with 1:30 left in the game. Smith jumped up showing signs of aggression and the Knicks' Nate Robinson escalated the fight, jumping between Smith and Collins, trash talking and throwing some shoves and faux punches. Smith tackled Robinson into the seats and the two rolled around a bit before being pulled back to their feet and restrained. The fight appeared to be over when the Nuggets' Carmelo Anthony threw a sucker-punched Collins in the face and ran backwards up the court as the Knicks' Jared Jeffries gave chase. NBA officials in suits poured onto the court to restrain the players, which they did using physical force. In a demonstration of NBA Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action discipline, all ten players on the floor were ejected from the game, including the ones did no fighting. David Lee spent the whole time trying to restrain the fighters of both teams, but out he went, ejected just like the thugs.
Knicks Coach Isaiah Thomas blamed the Nuggets' coach for the brawl becaust he kept his starters in the game during a 19-point blowout. Robinson explained, "it escalated," rather than, "I escalated the fight." Thomas evidently will not discipline his own players, but he will likely keep his job because he is the Knicks president as well. Maybe that's why we have separation of powers in government. About those delusions of poverty, Carmelo Anthony, who threw the sucker punch, has been caught in possession of marijuana and made an appearance last year in a drug dealer's video. He had to add brawling to his gangsta portfolio. Now all that remains is for him to bust a cap from his nine in his b- I mean woman. Note to all young women: stay away from Carmelo Anthony.


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