Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Persecution Watch II

Brown University has suspended the Reformed University Fellowship group from campus. RUF is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America and ministers to students on one hundred ten campuses nationwide, with Bible study, worship, conferences and retreats. The Brown University press release is extremely vague on the reasons for the suspension of RUF. After the usual statements of commitment to religious diversity, the only explanation Brown offers is the citation of a nebulous, "failure to abide by guidelines established for all religious groups on campus." Obviously, that could mean anything.
RUF is a conservative Christian organization and is not inclined to subscribe to Politically Correct notions of "tolerance" that might include acknowledging that all religions are basically the same and have different ways to reach God. From what the Brown press release reveals, there is no way to find out why RUF has lost its affiliation. The RUF page at Brown University contains no information on the subject, but all of the links have been disabled.


Blogger Andrew said...

I suppose it's not outside the realm of plausibility that Brown has a good reason for removing the group. But that's not my gut assumption. As one intending to make my career in university education, this disturbs me---and I truly wonder how long it is until we live in a society where the preachers of "tolerance" cease to even tolerate those who hold to absolute truth.

Unfortunately, as I look at my students, I think a shocking number of them wouldn't be too opposed to the idea that fundamentalist and evangelical Christians should have limits placed on their right to "proselytize" (oh, how much I loathe that word!!) And those students are not only current voters, but our nation's future leaders.

5:54 PM  

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