Friday, February 16, 2007


The Fox News Channel is about to air a satire on the news, a show titled, "The Half Hour News Hour," which premiers Sunday, February 18 at 10 p.m. EST. They have done the first two episodes as pilots, but the show has not gotten picked up yet, so it needs an audience to earn a spot on the air. I have seen a preview of "The Half Hour News Hour" on Hannity and Colmes and it is side-splitting. The jokes are witty and highly amusing, as two liberal news anchors give enthusiastic coverage of America's love affair with Barack Obama. I understand that YouTube carries a few other clips, involving messages from the President and the Vice President, played by the Harmless, Lovable Little Fuzz Ball and the Diva of the Right.
Yes, you read that last sentence correctly: Rush Limbaugh is the President and Lady Ann Coulter is the Vice President. I could not have cast it better myself. I know where I will be at 10:00 on Sunday evening. Hua.


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