Friday, December 29, 2006

Tookie and Saddam

In yet another impressive demonstration of his understanding of how the American media react to meaningless symbols, Saddam Hussein has adopted the Tookie Williams strategy as an attempt at avoiding the gallows. His act of writing a letter telling the Iraqi people to renounce hatred mirrors the stunt by Tookie Williams in which he wrote a few children's books about not joining gangs. For the record, Tookie Williams founded the Crips Gang and videotaped himself killing four people with a shotgun. His guilt for murder was not in doubt, so that even the State of California executed him last year. Two of his adherents who attended the execution immediately shouted upon his death, "The State of California just killed an innocent man!" In this case, "innocent," means a man demonstrably as guilty as sin itself, but remorseful and deserving of a second chance.
Now, with his letter, Saddam is apologizing for the myriads of people whom he oppressed and killed, using poisonous gas in some cases. But he says he is sorry and calls for reconciliation! That has to count for something, doesn't it?! In fact, Saddam's letter has gained him exactly the prize that Tookie's children's books earned him: Today, Jesse Jackson has declared that Saddam should not be executed in a story carried by the Associated Press.
Congratulations, Saddam, you have succeeded in your use of the Tookie Strategy and you will soon be another martyr of the Left, a victim of the two-headed monster American Imperialism, whose faces look remarkably like those of George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld. For those of us with functioning brains, we will know that the world is a safer place at the moment your neck snaps.


Blogger Clive Dangerously said...

That's an interesting way of putting it, however I haven't heard anyone thus far saying he'd reformed or anything. And killing a handful of people, while terrible, is worlds away from killing entire villages of people.

1:00 PM  
Blogger Bountyhawk said...

Thanks to Clive for the input. As I said, Jesse Jackson has opposed Saddam's execution, just as he opposed Tookie's execution. Through the legacy of his gang, The Crips, Tookie Williams has affected to some degree the murders of thousands, so I think the comparison is apt. As to the Saddam rehabilitation, one of the joys of blogging is the speculation that we make of events that have not happened yet, but might in the future. Kofi Annan has said that Iraq was better off under Saddam than it is now, so a rehabilitation of Saddam's reputation is possible. Only time will tell if it happens.

12:22 PM  
Blogger Clive Dangerously said...

I suppose I should have noted that the title is a link to the CNN article. I'll try to remember in the future.

7:50 PM  

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