Friday, January 05, 2007

Cleveland Imam Deported

The story is that an Imam from Cleveland, OH, Fawaz Damra, was convicted of a crime in 2004 and has now been deported to Palestinian territories. For those of you in Metter, GA, an Imam is a Muslim religious leader. Now, why do you suppose and Islamic leader would be deported? If you just thought, "he had ties to terrorist groups," you need sensitivity training for your Islamophobic racism. (You say Islam is not a race? details, details.) You are correct, of course: when he applied for American citizenship in 1994, Damra lied about his ties to Palestinian Islamic Jihad. His indictment specifies multiple Palestinian groups that he had failed to disclose on penalty of perjury in his naturalization paperwork, as well as an assault charge from 1991 that he witheld. The US State Department has listed the PIJ as a terrorist group since 1989. A tape of Damra's 1991 speech in Chicago calling on all Muslims to kill, "the sons of monkeys and pigs, the Jews," also gained prominence recently. Incidentally, he had also signed his paperwork on penalty of perjury claiming that he had never incited violence for reasons of race, religion, code or creed. Convicted of perjury in 2004, Damra has now been deported.
Damra had worked previously at a mosque in Brooklyn, New York, and his successor, Abdel Rahman, is a man you might have heard of. Abdel Rahman now sits in prison convicted of plotting to blow up New York City landmarks in 1995. That mosque in Brooklyn is a very wholesome civic institution.
Ironically, this deportation happened on the day our first Muslim Congressman, Mr. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, took the oath of office with his hand on a Quran. Interestingly, his biography at his website makes no mention whatsoever of his Islamic faith.


Blogger Andrew said...

I find it stunning how the Muslim faith constantly exhibits blatant racism and sexism, yet liberals almost never take them to task for it.

Instead they tend to rally to defense of the Muslim faith for the sake of "tolerance"... all the while dumping vitriol on evangelical Christians.

8:49 AM  
Blogger Bountyhawk said...

Exactly. The racism of the Left is manifest in this matter: their version of tolerance means supporting any non-white and impoverished group, especially if they oppose the United States, hate Christians, and blame Christians, the U.S. or capitalism for their plight.

11:12 AM  

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