Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Leak Parade

Well, now that another classified document has been leaked and published (bottom line: the leaker is only half of the problem - the publisher is the other half) I guess we might as well start keeping tabs on leaks because they are adding up with fair rapidity. I thought the leaking and publicizing of the NSA Wiretap program was a problem while I was in Iraq because it alerted the terrorists to some of our intelligence and one of our tactics. Monitoring foreign calls to phone numbers which bonafide terrorists had been calling somehow morphed into "domestic spying" once the Drive-by Media got hold of it. I'm still confused about that one A judge ruled recently that these wiretaps without warrants (warrantless because the finding of a phone number does not constitute probable cause) are un-Constitutional, but the Bush Administration declined to even present a case. The plaintiffs presented the case that they have contacts with terrorist-harboring countries; hence their fear of the program. Evidently, it has been working.
The New York Times really crossed the Rubicon when they leaked our Terrorist Financing Network monitoring program and editor David Keller had the gall to defend their decision by saying, "Well, the terrorists know we're going after their funds." As though Benedict Arnold could defend his treachery with, "Everyone already knows the British want to capture West Point."
What is interesting about this latest leak from the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) is that the document is five months old. There is nothing pressing or new about the contents of this intelligence document, but the gist of this particular leaked portion suggests that the Bush policy in the Middle East has increased the number of terrorists. In fact, I agree with the intelligence and see no reason for alarm. Of course the terrorists have stepped up their efforts in answer to the invasion by Americans. Of course the Islamo-Fascists who thrived on Saddam's sponsorships (Was it $35,000 for each suicide bomber's family?) would object to our presence and the establishment of a democratic government. We all remember how they celebrated on September 11, 2001, shooting AK-47s in the air. The terrorists and extremist-minded Muslims hate us because of the Crusades. For those of you on the kook fringe, the Crusades are not what happened after the invasion of Iraq in 2003; they happened 700-900 years ago in response to the Muslim surge of conquest out of the Arabian Peninsula.
We cannot do anything to make the Islamo-Fascists hate us more than they did before September 11, 2001. What has changed since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom is our proximity to them. The terrorists can attempt to kill Christians, Americans, and those who consort with either of the above by planting an IED just down the street from their houses. A democratic government in Iraq is a threat to them unlike any they have faced in the last thirty years. They will continue fighting with all of the strength they can marshal. Our forces need resolve to combat them and our news sources need to stop aiding the enemy with tidbits of our intelligence and tips on how to avoid getting caught.


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