Friday, October 06, 2006

Al Qaeda Bill of Rights II

Here's announcing: we're two for two. The War on Islamo-Fascist Terrorists won one battle in the legislative branch last week, with the denial of habeas corpus to the terrorists and a second victory followed yesterday. The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed Judge Anna Diggs Taylor, the Carter appointee who ruled that warrantless wiretaps of foreign phone calls were unconstitutional. You've probably heard about her ruling often enough that I don't have to recap. The plaintiffs bringing their lawsuits explained in court that they communicate with terrorist-supporting areas like Pakistan, so they fear that their phone calls are being monitored. You've all read about the ruling, but one detail has probably not appeared on your TV screen: the government declined to present a defense before Judge Taylor. After motioning for dismissal of the case, government lawyers allowed the plaintiffs to make their case and saved the big guns for appeals courts. Now, they've had their day in appeals court and won without having to betray any classified information. We've defeated Article II of the Al Qaeda Bill of Rights: the right to communicate unchecked by telephone to friends in target nations. Hua.


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