Saturday, September 30, 2006

Senate Passes Fence Bill!

The good news is, the pro-enforcement side of the illegal immigration debate scored a victory yesterday when the Senate passed a bill to build a 700-mile fence to enforce our border with Mexico. The bill passed 80-19-1, with Senator Kennedy (D, MA) sitting this one out on advice from "Splash," his Senatorial mascot. (That's not a joke. Senator Kennedy has a dog named Splash and he's written a children's book about their relationship.) It pays to note who the 19 Senators are who want to let as many illegal aliens in as possible.
Both of Hawaii's Senators, Akaka (D) and Inouye (D) voted Nay, but in all candor they have no dog in this fight. Bingamon (D NM) does, however, and this vote might hurt him, as it might hurt Harry Reid (D NV). The others are the typical liberal line-up: Cantwell (D WA), Murray (D WA) Levin (D MI), Durbin (D IL), Reed, (D RI) Chafee (R RI), (who continues to block the confirmation of John Bolton to the UN ambassadorship) Feingold (D WI), Jeffords (I VT), Leahy (D VT), Kerry (D MA), Lautenberg (D NJ), Menendez (D NJ), Sarbanes (D MD), and Salazar (D CO). All of the Democrats except Kerry who dream of the White House (Clinton, Obama, Schumer, Bayh, Harkin, etc.) voted Yea.
Lieberman (D CT) also voted against building the fence, which should remind all of the "Lieberman is a hawk" Republicans and Independents in Connecticut that old Joe is just as liberal on 99% of the issues facing the Senate as is John Kerry.
If you live in Nevada, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Illinois, Colorado, New Jersey, Hawaii, Washington, Wisconsin, Michigan, Vermont, Maryland, Connecticut or Massachusetts, you might voice some displeasure to your Senators on this occasion. Enforcement of the border is necessary as we seek to stem the tide of illegal immigrants, illegal drugs, and possibly terrorists. Some of them have come into the United States through Canada. It is probably only a matter of time before they come in through Mexico.


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