Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Conservative Speech Repression

We've all seen developments in the last few years that smack of something other than enlightened attitudes toward dissention from Politically Correct speech. For all of the whining liberals do about Fascism in the Bush Administration, they cannot point to a single martyr whose speech has been muzzled by the government. For the record, the Dixie Chicks were never restrained, repressed, detained, questioned or otherwise interfered with by any government official, agency or entity of any kind, period. I've watched enough public service announcements on Armed Forces Network to know absolutely that the Country Music community is the #1 most patriotic community in America, bar none. Therefore, when the DCs said they were ashamed of President Bush, their listeners chose to stop buying Dixie Chicks CDs. Now, they have to schedule performances in Canada to make a tour worthwhile. The market can be tough that way, but the market is not the government.
Contrary to the liberal fantasy world, actual instances abound in which Conservative speech has been muzzled. USA Today hired Ann Coulter to write commentary on the Democratic National Convention in 2004 and fired her before the first day's speeches had begun. She has had pies thrown at her at various speaking engagements and policemen have had to remove unruly hecklers.
Currently, a college prep school in Seattle, Lakeside School, faces a lawsuit from two black teachers, Chance Sims and Novella Coleman, alleging racial discrimination. Part of their complaint consists of the school's invitation to Dinesh D'Souza, who was to speak on Iraq policy as part of a lecture series. At the time, the teachers organized a number of faculty and protested the invitation to Mr. D'Souza on the grounds that he held the wrong views on racial history. The school rescinded the invitation in response to their remonstrances, thus protecting Political Correctness from dissent.


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