Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Death of another Clinton Lie

After years of repeating the lie that Hillary Rodham Clinton was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, the Senator's campaign staff has admitted that it has always been a lie. Everyone with half a brain knew as much because Hillary was born in 1947, six years before Sir Edmund scaled Mount Everest and before he had even scaled his first mountain. This story began with an interview the First Lady had with Sir Edmund in 1995 and appeared in print in Bill Clinton's autobiography as well as the New York Times, which has repeated it multiple times, including seven days ago. In typical Clinton fashion, Hillary admits belatedly what everyone knew was fals and blames it on someone else. The "I was named after Edmund Hillary" tale now came from her mother, whom Mrs. Clinton alleges told her that Sir Edmund was her namesake in order to instill ambition in her, blah blah blah. Maybe some more subpoenaed documents will show up next.


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