Friday, November 10, 2006

Election Lesson #4

I don't know how many times we will get to re-learn this lesson, but here it is: Scandals involving crimes hurt Republicans and do not hurt Democrats. We are still waiting for a Republican to win re-election after drowing a girl in his car, but that is just the most obvious example.
This past year, when the Abramoff scandal broke, investigators fingered Representative Ney, (R) of Ohio as offender #1. The Republican party leadership informed Ney that he would need to resign or be forced out. He resigned and a Democrat won his seat on Tuesday night. Representative William Jefferson (D) of Louisiana, actually accepted $100,000 in bribes. Agents found $90,000 cash in his freezer. Even Rajun-Cajun James Carville laughed at his protestations of innocence. Naturally, his party leadership did nothing. Today, Jefferson is faced with a run-off election for his seat from a 13-candidate field, but he was the top vote-getter in the general election and will doubtless win reelection. Accepting bribes is a crime and Jefferson should be behind bars, but his fellow Congressmen in his party only see him as a victim because of the color of his skin.
You all know the Foley story: his overly-friendly emails and highly inappropriate IMs with male pages led to his immediate resignation. When Barney Frank paid a male prostitute government money as part of his staff, to do nothing but run a brothel, no discipline was forth-coming. When Gerry Studds committed statutory rape and Congress censured him, he got reelected six more times. At the time of the Studds case, a Republican also seduced a page and faced ouster at the next election. When Representative Patrick Kennedy (D) RI, drove into a concrete barrier while drunk, his constituents reelected him.
It couldn't be more obvious: only Republican voters punish their leaders for misconduct. This is why Democrats are always, not sometimes, but always, soft on crime: they tolerate criminals. Criminals are their friends and colleagues in Congress. They care about redistribution of wealth, racial quotas, and political correctness, what they call "social justice," because they want to ignore real justice. Justice in America is the enforcement of laws to protect the American people. There is no law that says life must be fair or people have a right not to be offended. Life is not fair, but taking bribes, DUI, misappropriation of funds, statutory rape, and negligent homicide are all actual crimes that have not been enforced on Democrat lawmakers. (Affirmative Action is lacking in this posting: Massachussetts and the Kennedy family produced a disproportionate number of these examples of crimes.)


Blogger Andrew said...

Hear hear, good sir! While liberals often claim allegiance to a higher system of values, it is a self-contradictory one; your comment about "social justice" versus "real justice" is the best summation of the weakness of the former concept I have heard.

8:50 AM  

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