Thursday, November 02, 2006

Stem Cell Watch II

News from the medical front, where our doctors seek to bring about miracle cures. Scientists have recently used stem cells to grow a small human liver. As has been the case with previous treatments, this did not come from embryonic stem cells, but from umbilical cord blood stem cells. Notwithstanding the hype about embryonic cells, the number of treatments they have produced remains at 0.
As the debate over federal funding for embryonic stem cell research rages, understand the reason why they are seeking federal funding: very few private investors are willing to risk an investment. In areas where success has a track record, private money is easy to come by, but embryonic stem cells are not one of these areas. Michael J. Fox is lying through his teeth that the legislation he stumps for will cure him of Parkinson's Disease. In reality, Amendment 2 in Missouri would make human cloning legal. We are getting cures and treatments from stem cells, but they do not require the destruction of human life.


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