Monday, November 13, 2006

Iran Claims Victory

Having used Democrat talking points to good effect - bemoaning our lack of universal health care for one - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has learned to see President Bush as his enemy and the self-described enemies and haters of Bush as friends of Iran. Even now, Ahmadinejad cloaks his argument for nuclear energy in the popular Leftist slogan that one nuclear nation should not deny nukes to the other nations of the world. The Ayatollah has now declared victory for Iran in the recent election results in America.
The Iranians are correct, at least in part, in this belief that the Democrats' victory is their victory. Our friends across the aisle in the House and Senate have not disagreed respectfully with President Bush on policy in Iraq while offering alternative plans. Rather, they have spewed vitriol indiscriminately and professed the most heated and homicidal hatred for the man currently in the White House. Multiple books have engaged in speculation about how to asssassinate President Bush and one movie indulges that theme. Never ones to shy from assassinating their enemies, the Iranians are in love with today's Loony Left and believe that the recent election will guarantee their safety as they develop nuclear weapons.
Nancy Pelosi has given a key sign of her support for Iran's agenda of a weakened America ousted from Iraq by backing John Murtha for Majority Leader. Steny Hoyer, her current Whip, would be the logical leader if investigation of the Bush administration and a legislative agenda were the top priorities for Democrats. With her support for Murtha, a one-trick pony whose only credential is Vietnam service, Pelosi shows that her top priority is cutting and running from Iraq. The Democrats may fail in this endeavor, but we now know that they will try a maneuver that leaves Iraq destabilized and Iran free to develop nukes. President Bush and the Republicans are in for the fight of their lives.
The possibility of freedom in the Middle East and the safety of Americans from terrorist attacks may depend upon the result. Deo Vindice.


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