Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Appeasement Watch

We remember the Day that will live in Infamy, 3/11/04, when terrorists with ties to Al Qaeda bombed the train system in Spain, killing 191 and wounding 2,000. Some observers thought optimistically that the Spanish people had just endured their own 9/11 and would redouble their efforts to fight alongside our troops against the threat that both nations faced from Islamofascists. Instead, we saw that enormous parade of Spaniards holding signs reading simple "paz," Spanish for "peace" and demanding an immediate retreat from Iraq. The terrorists timed their bombings perfectly, inflicting carnage only weeks before national elections. Al Qaeda spokesmen made it quite clear that they had attacked Spain because of Spanish troops in Iraq. Therefore, the Spanish people ousted Aznar's government in favor of Zapatero's Socialist Party, which immediately withdrew all Spanish forces from Iraq. Overnight, the Drive-By Media changed its alarmist mantra from "We're going it alone in Iraq!" to "We've lost one of our most important allies!" and thereby acknowledged for the first time that the United States had allies in Iraq.
Today, the Los Angeles Times reports that terrorists with links to Al Qaeda are training in Morocco for redoubled efforts at staging attacks in Spain. The story is here: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-spain10mar10,0,5527219,full.story
After Spain kowtowed to Al Qaeda, the menace has not left her alone. Simon Cowell once advised a contestant on American Idol, "When someone is down, kick them," which is exactly the strategy that these terrorists employ. Concessions only show weakness to these terrorists, which the intend to exploit. Three years ago they attacked Spain because of her troops in Iraq. Today, they will attack Spain because they want an active hand in Spain's government and tomorrow they will attack Spain until all of Spain's non-Muslims pay the Jizya (the tax on non-Muslims) or convert to Islam. Appeasement will not save the non-Muslim world from the terrorists who kill in the name of Allah. These people will not agree to coexistence with us unless we assimilate to them and accept an inferior position. Just because you may be a tolerant pluralist Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Sikh, Hindu, skeptic, atheist or agnostic, do not suppose that you will be able to persuade the leaders of Al Qaeda that you mean them no harm. All who have not converted to Islam or agreed to pay the Jizya are targets for their wrath.


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